Every Friday afternoon, needy residents of Yerushalayim are treated to delicious, steaming food in honor of the incoming Shabbos, courtesy of Rav Lehoshia. The food is cooked in the home of Reb Moshe Shmuel, a descendant of Reb Shaya’le of Kerestir, and then delivered to the central kitchen at Rechov Rabeinu Gershom 22.
The moment the kitchen opens to the public a steady stream of boys and young men begin to arrive and help themselves to the tasty selection of kugels and ferfel. Among the visitors are many yeshiva boys from abroad who have nowhere else to eat on Friday afternoon. There are young married men who park their baby strollers outside and step in for a warm snack while their wives are preoccupied with preparing the house for Shabbos.
And there are the young Yerushalmi boys, often brothers sitting side-by-side, whose mothers send them to Rav Lehoshia for Toameha because there is not enough food for them at home. The sight arouses mixed emotions: sadness at their plight tinged with joy on seeing them delight in this weekly Erev Shabbos treat.